Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Emilie & Andy

Emilie and Andy were so much fun to work with. They brough their puppy Cooper, and that provided for many laughs, and some pretty good pictures. Emilie and Andy seem to be a very energetic couple, and they have a uniqueness about them that I believe will bring some amazing wedding pictures.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Cousin's Wedding - June 6, 2009

Well, I attended my cousin's wedding this past Saturday in Vandalia. I was not the photographer for this wedding, however I was asked to video the ceremony. But overhearing a conversation between the minister and photographer, the photographer said he was not going to take but one picture during the ceremony. One picture! Who does that?

I asked my wife to videotape the ceremony so I could snap some shots from the balcony. Granted I only had on place to shoot from since I was not the official photographer and could not walk around, but I think with what I got, they turned out pretty good. I was so happy to be able to snap some shots during the ceremony.